3B&E (Show the second clip (3B, guy) first, the first clip (3E) second)
Don't Make Me Look
These players need to improve their hands to win but they don't want to see how it comes out just yet, so they heighten the suspense of the draw by shuffling their cards.
What you see here is a common habit among some players in draw poker. It usually happens when they figure they don't have the best hand and therefore must get lucky on the draw. So, when you see a player shuffling through his or her cards, you should figure the hand requires help. Also, it turns out that there's a much better than average chance that the player is drawing to an especially powerful hand. High-hand-wins players usually shuffle on a straight or flush (or straight-flush). Lowball players usually shuffle only if they're drawing to a bicycle (5-4-3-2-A) or a six. Sometimes you'll find seven-stud players shuffling their three hole cards before looking at their seventh (final) card. As you'd expect, among weak players, this generally means they must improve their hand to win.
Use logic. Suppose you're playing jacks-or-better-to-open draw poker. You open with a pair of aces. An opponent calls. You draw three; he draws one. You look at your hand and see three aces. Normally you'd be tempted to bet in this situation, because if your opponent was drawing to two pair and it didn't help (which is likely to happen 11 out of 12 times), he'd probably call you anyway. However, when that opponent is shuffling, you should figure that there's a very good chance he's drawing to a straight or a flush, and you should therefore check rather than bet. If the game is lowball and an opponent draws one, shuffles, then bets, you should not raise with a smooth seven (such as 7-4-3-2-A), even though you might have raised had he not shuffled.